Illuminist & inner polarity mediator bringing the remembrance of divine Androgyny & The sACRED dance of love

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Joshua Maree brings the remembrance of the Dance of Love , the most beautiful love story ever told - the divine romance between all opposites - by illuminating the parts of Self that are in hiding and in separation from this inner alchemical sacred union. Joshua’s gift to humanity as a Visionary, Inner Polarity Mediator and Illuminist are the “Androgynous Keys®” – The Communication Vibrations that Originate from the original sounds of creation and Neuro-Androgyny® - Creating new pathways in the brain by illuminating the body - mind and reclaiming your brilliance as an embodied heart - centered leader.

Joshua shares the teachings of Aumma Oasis® and other various energy transmissions and teachings to support humanity to regain pure awareness of Divine Androgyny.


 Androgynous Keys® & Neuro Androgyny®

Androgynous Keys® and Neuro Androgyny® are Focalised Divine Intelligence Birthed from the Source of Creation to remember, awaken and embody Unity Consciousness. There are 16 Quantum Fields in total. These are 16 Expressions of the Sacred Dance of Love manifesting through 16 Geometric Shapes, holding the Formula for the Harmonic vibration of light - the Key to Life to Master the Sacred Dance of Love.

These 16 Quantum Fields hold the Communication vibrations that originate from the Original Sounds of Creation.  The Androgynous Keys® are sound in its Primordial Un-Manifested Form, birthed from the Void, the Cosmic Womb and holds the absence of quality, quantity, or mass. It is the gateway to return all human consciousness to its Source. It supports souls to move through the Second birth - The disintegration of the various veils in the psyche that traps the consciousness and supports a soul to evolve the Inner Polarity System to support Awakening an Inner Union and Evolving towards Freedom from Suffering.

Only when one has been born twice, can one truly awaken and return to the space between words, the No-Thing that created everything. This new birth must be personally earned through a complete regeneration of consciousness and of the body and takes place when the divine spirit has been brought down into the physical body through dedicated self inquire, self awareness and inner evolutionary work.

Even Plato said "Living resurrection is the greatest spiritual journey a person can hope to experience in their lifetime." Androgynous Keys are the keys to Return to E-den. (E- energy, DEN- a location.) This location is within.
The goal of humans during this New Cycle is to regain the consciousness of the Divine Androgyny state and to awaken unity consciousness within and without.

“The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. This ‘feed-back’ process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolises the One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia which unquestionably stems from man’s unconscious.”

Carl G. Jung


“Androgynous Keys® hold the immaculate sacred geometrical patterning of cosmic kundalini intelligence, breaking down all illusions to zero – to the point of primordial stillness, merging with our Great Mother. These keys re- pattern, reunite and resurrect us as Ardhanarishwara, regaining consciousness of embodied divine androgyny on a transpersonal and neuro-biological level for humanity.”

Joshua Maree


  Union of the Opposites weekly Online Classes

Monthly Online Remote Spiritual Development Support Classes. Using Advanced Group Tracking - working with the Evolutionary Pathway of the Androgynous Kundalini in the human body/psyche by utilising The Androgynous Kundalini Technology of Neuro-Androgyny® and The Androgynous Keys® and also incorporating the multi-dimensional healing modalities of Advanced UAP Vortexhealing® and Advanced FourWinds Tracking Skills.

By Receiving the Androgynous Keys® regularly, one learns how to approach every situation with the unwavering strength and delight that comes from the certainty of the Divine presence within.

These classes are designed to help humans to wake up from the Veils and conditioned Awareness and to experience Oneness with Divinity. It supports transforming emotional conditioning, transform physicality, transforming ego-identity, and transforming the deepest karmic issues we hold as human beings. The result is not just the transformation of conditioning but the awakening of consciousness to its true nature. During these sessions, Divine Intelligence works through Joshua and clears energy blockages in the various energy systems, going to the root of physical health issues and transforming the roots of emotional consciousness.



As an Illuminist, Joshua has the ability to bring into the light those parts of Self that dwells in separation consciousness. He bridges his awakened consciousness into his clients system and then lights up and reintegrates those soul parts that are at war with one's own inner Divine Essence. 

He has the ability to illuminate Divine Intelligence into the Kundalini system, the Divine Asleep within, and to awaken the potential birth of the Sacred unification and alchemical inner marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. His purpose is to guide Souls back home, back to the original Androgynous state, back to our Eternal Mother- where we came from -  balanced within our own inner polarities, free from the everlasting cycle of suffering, in Sacred Union with Self.

These sessions also incorporate Grief & Trauma Counselling, Crisis Intervention, Mental Health Counselling and Addiction Counselling.



As an Advanced Four Winds Natural Medicine Health Coach, Joshua bridges his awakened kundalini and ancient wisdom with modern neuro-science within these sessions, upgrading the luminous energy field, which is the aura and matrix that surrounds all living beings encoded with how you will age, heal and die, and switches off the genes creating pathology to switch on the longevity genes and create the conditions for health. Inspired by world renowned Dr. Alberto Villoldo Four Winds Society.

Throughout these sessions you will also be educated on how our brains have been damaged by toxins, heavy metals, and stress, and how to repair this damage so that you can attain the clarity necessary to create psychosomatic health. You’ll also learn to use superfoods and neuro-nutrients to switch on the longevity genes, repair mitochondria, and have your healthspan equal your lifespan.

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