the andean medicine wheel


Join Joshua Maree for an in depth Shamanic Healing Journey to fulfil your life purpose and highest destiny for this life. This course is a balanced & informative combination of Eastern spiritual philosophies, ancient Egyptian teachings, Andean Peruvian teachings & healing and ancient Kabbalistic Tantric knowledge will make this course a memorable and worthwhile experience!

Do you Feel you have a calling?

Do you feel that you are born to make a difference in this lifetime?
Do you want to embrace your soul’s gifts and talents and live them gracefully?
Do you want to become clearer about who you are and clearer about your soul’s calling?
Do you want to learn to master yourself and embody the frequency of self-love?

This experiential life coaching course is life changing and offers an in-depth training in Soul development & Energy Healing. This 24 months course training works on all levels of the Human Energy Field, combining in-depth body-mind healing with profound spiritual awakening and soul evolution.

In addition to the many healing techniques taught, students are guided on a journey of profound personal transformation and awakening. Through the unique combination of inner work and energy training, students arrive in a place able to offer healing with complete integrity, compassion and self - confidence.

Inner Ardhanarishvara

The theme for the 10 sessions is to support the inner balancing and alchemical union of Shiva Shakti - the inner Ardhanarishvara. The embodiment of Shiva - when the inner Masculine and Feminine meet, you are in a perpetual state of ecstasy. This comes about through the inner Chmyical Wedding, which represents the final stages of alchemy.

Lord Shiva is considered to be one of the most powerful yet benevolent Lords in Hinduism. He is the one who has the power to devastate all that we see.

There are 64 forms of Lord Shiva. These are the various forms that were given to the Lord Shiva by the Gods and the devotees as per the form that He took as an Avatar for the benefit of the mankind. As an Avatar – The Embodiment of the Divine, Ardhanarishvara brings the symbol of Cosmic Androgyny. This subtle, archetypical, androgynous blue-print filters down and infiltrates all aspects of the universe. This union takes place at the third-eye chakra, which is the epi-centre and vessel into which the male descends from non-being, and the female rises from being.

Within the body, there is a fountain of energy that lay dormant. By studying and practicing the wisdom of the ancients, we may learn to unlock and kindle this sacred fire. As we generate this loving transformation within ourselves, we radiate that frequency out in the world we experience. As we create balance in ourselves, we create balance in the Universe.

The main healing theme for this training course will be to create and write a new map – a new map for self and the Collective - To walk as the New Human. To become immortal is to turn the gross lead of mortality into the subtle gold of eternity. This balance can only takes place within, awakening the Cosmic Androgyny of Shiva and Shakti within and by doing so, healing past traumas/woundings/conditionings within the soul and bloodline around this collective wound and to open up new space within to dream one’s Highest Destiny into Being. This is the return to wholeness within, the alchemical wedding of the Inner Divine Feminine and inner Divine Masculine.

These sessions will mainly focus on healing and clearing the kundalini system in the body, opening and preparing the various body channels deeply held on a cellular level, to become a sacred and holy Vessel in order to embody this alchemical blend and sacred union of the inner Divine Feminine and inner Divine Masculine. This is the Awakening of Heaven within and the Union of The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Principle of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

This whole training will evolve around the Sacred Medicine Wheel, experiencing profound healings and awakening through the Four Directions and the medicine which each of these directions hold and gifted to us. Various Andean Healing Techniques will also be taught as part of this training and various Andean Shamanic techniques/Rituals will be applied to help bring in this new map. Each direction will bring up inner process work and imbalances and also gifts and talents which are held very deeply in the psyche and the deeper inner channels of the body. The time is now to return to the Garden of Paradise…within and to restore this inner divine Balance we so long for.

The training will focus on the natural raising of the Kundalini Shakti and awakening of one’s own Creation Energy as a Conscious Creator by addressing various self limitations and inner blockage/woundings to the inner masculine and feminine energies.

Course Content


Next Course Information

Starting Online November 2024.

These classes are held via Zoom online, 10 classes in total and will run from 6:30pm-8:45pm SAST.

This course will also be video recorded and can be watched after for those outside of South African Time Zone.