Your living and working space is an extension of you. These sessions are energy management support for your living and work space, and for your animals. Joshua uses a unique process tracking through over 25 levels of frequencies that can create stagnation, disrupt sleeping patterns, affect personal relationships and affect the health of family members and your animals. When vibrations are unbalanced, problems arise. Through the use of advanced spiritual technology, clearing of all energetic ‘debris’ that accumulates at the unseen level and energetically impacting the well-being of the individuals living/working in the space will be removed, to reset a space. This invites new energy and welcomes abundance and other wishes and grace into the space.

Animal clearing and support sessions for your pets will enhance their health, longevity and happiness. Animals are sensitive to the environment and to their owner’s emotions and can pick up foreign energies which then affects their wellbeing. Looking after the wellbeing of your animals will boost their overall health and life span. 


Space Clearing Sessions

These sessions are completely remotely, for a max. duration of 110 min. To book this session you will be asked to attach photos of the front of your property, bedrooms and living areas, along with including the full address of the property being cleared. Clearing is completed when the house is completely empty of humans, only animals can remain present on the property. A full report will be emailed 24 hours after the clearing and the report will outline guidelines for supporting the space.

Animal Clearing Sessions

These sessions are completely remotely. To book this session you will be asked to attach photos of your pet. After the session is completed a report will be emailed to you providing you with feedback.

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