About the Course
During this experiential course, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal and near-universal basic methods of the shaman to enter non ordinary reality for creative ideas, problem solving, healing and awakening. Participants are initiated into various shamanic initiations, aided by drumming, sound, guided imaging and also ancient healing techniques and other shamanic awakening techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature, one’s own healing gifts and creativity and learning to awaken the Enlightened Master within. Shamanism also brings a fresh approach to Westerners for cultivating their creative potential. During this course, participants will have the opportunity to enhance their creativity through the practice of shamanic methods, various healing methods (Eastern and Western) and also working with the Peruvian Andean Tradition and Gnostic Teachings.
Students are also provided with methods to discover, and study with, their own individual power animals and spiritual teachers. Participants learn how the journey is utilised for divination and to restore spiritual power and health, and how shamanism can be applied in modern daily life to help heal oneself, others, and the planet and fulfil one’s contracts with humanity.
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for souls who are on an awakening journey and want to heal themselves and use the material for self-discovery and personal development and have an inquisitive mind and want to learn more about the soul, shamanism, metaphysical science and energy medicine. This course is also for those who would like to retrieve back all soul loss and soul parts that are split off from soul. The course is also designed for those who would love to learn about shamanism, have heard the call to priesthood, who feel they have a purpose and are ready to commit to the path of self-mastery and awakening. This course is also supportive of those who have a passion to work on themselves and are on a journey of awakening the Enlightened Master within and preparing soul for Ascension.
Course Content
Understanding the modern shaman in modern times.
The healing & health path of the shaman.
The andean shamanic tradition - the path of the heart.
Your own unique shamanic medicine.
The medicine of the shaman.
Working with the challenges/wounds of the inner shaman.
Creating sacred space - the most important aspect of energy work.
Energy management techniques for the shaman.
The heart merkaba & gift to universal consciousness.
The medicine of the heart
Unplugging from matrix influences.
Removal of fear matrixes.
Awakening to the inner shaman.
The shadow of the shaman.The tool kit of the shaman.
Preparing for soul retrieval.
There are no ‘other’.
Why soul loss?
Dissociation and Psychology.
Post traumatic stress disorder.
Working with soul grief and loss.
Healing the wounded inner child.
Retrieving back the innocent inner child.
The inner female/male polarities.
Working with the crystalline grid of mother earth
.Clearing shock and trauma.
Clearing the brain.
Upgrade of the nervous system.
Body psychosomatic Imbalances.
The lower world.
The middle world.
The upper world.
Working with extractions, soul loss, illness, intrusions, trauma, power loss, curses, implants, cord cutting, soul wounds, shadow parts.
Luminous field purification.
Clearing astral parasites from the astral environment, both on earth and in dream state.
Retrieving back soul parts.
Soul fragments.
Healing mental constructs.
Crystals and soul retrieval.
Working with the human shadow.
Ancient healing techniques.
Rituals for daily practice to support one’s energy.
The animal kingdom & power animals.
Dreaming your world into being. it all starts with a dream.
The shaman’s way of manifesting.
Awakening to your souls dreams.
Shamanic initiations.
Kundalini & the chakras.
Raising the frequency of the shaman healer.
Sound healing.
The shadow - your gateway to embodied wisdom.
The higher mind.
Detoxing the brain - the shamans greatest power.
The advanced chakra system.
Embodiment of your higher self.
Grounding of your soul’s purpose.
Enhancing sensing skills.
Integrity & spirituality.
False spirituality and avoidance tactics.
Preparing to live your dream.
Practical work.
Course Information
This course is a home study course consisting of 22 virtual modules. No experience is needed to participate within this course. This course can be taken without completing and practical, and without a desire to qualify as a soul retrieval therapist if you wish to participate solely for your own soul healing journey and to support moving through your own inner process work. This class is being converted into a home study class and will be available to download from the AUMA Online Academy Section during 2022.