Peace come from within, do not seek it without. – The Budha

There is no God or Gods to worship in Buddhism, which makes it different from other religions. Buddhism is not about worshiping the Budha, but rather to awaken the Budha within. 
Budha means I am awake. These sessions present Tibetan teachings for transforming negative thoughts and feelings into loving kindness toward all living things.

These coaching sessions will focus on how to integrate Enlightenment teachings and how to consciously live from the Heart. Receive practical tools and techniques to help you develop compassion, joy and unconditional love for self and others. 

Want to know more about the fascinating human brain, the different doorways in the mind to ultimately access your Higher Mind? Are you searching to attain inner happiness in this life and to achieve spiritual liberation, lasting freedom and absolute peace? Then mind meditation coaching is for you. These sessions will help you to understand human consciousness and your own consciousness in order to free yourself from all suffering and fear.

Mind Meditation Coaching will teach and help you to master these mind altering stillness techniques and start creating consciously what it is your higher self wants you to accomplish and master in this lifetime.

Joshua will share with you ancient wisdom on mind power techniques that can be practice by anyone of any age, color and religion. 

Mind Meditation will help you to clear outdated thought patterns, heal old emotional wounds and will help purify your mind on a deep subconscious level. Each class is designed for in-depth practice of techniques and class review. Joshua will also use his own soul’s creativity and healing gifts to help you clear out all obstacles that are preventing you from becoming the master of your own mind.

The ability to concentrate is the root of all the higher abilities in man. Mind Meditation Coaching will also address concentration problems and where we as humans self sabotage ourselves from becoming our highest potential.

Through the practicing of Mind stillness and Meditation, the mind will turn inwards and the obstacles which stand in the way of progress will disappear. These obstacles are: illness, fatigue, doubt, laziness, attachment, ignorance, temptations. Such distractions make the body restless, the breathing course and the mind agitate. The result is suffering. Mind Stillness and Meditation is a must for us all if we want to free ourselves and ultimately reach Enlightenment and fulfil our life’s mission here on earth.


  • The Gifts of the Mind.

  • The shadow of the mind.

  • The Lower Mind.

  • Prefrontal Cortex Brain.

  • Clearing negative mental constructs.

  • The intuitive portals.

  • Mind Stillness Techniques.

  • Releasing Vow Work.

  • Clearing negative Self Talk.

  • Meditation Techniques.

  • Sound and mantras.

  • Spiritual Biology of Human brain.

  • Tibetian & Buddhist Techniques.

  • Zero Point Field Embodiment.

Mindfulness & Stillness Package: Learn various meditation, mindfulness and stillness practices to support you feeling more centred, at peace and content within yourself. add 1-2 description here/edit this and send back