soul retrieval & soul loss
Soul loss results from an encounter with extreme and recurrent trauma or abuse, during which the person is vulnerable and has no resources for dealing with it, such as happens with very young children. It refers to the most vulnerable parts of a soul splitting off and leaving the main part to deal with the trauma. As the trauma continues to be repeated, more and more of the soul leaves or becomes fragmented. In some cases, if the person is lucky enough to re-establish a feeling of safety and love in their life, the soul parts can be persuaded to come back.
Feeling like something is missing or you have lost your spark, your joy, your purpose? “We lose parts of ourselves when we disconnect from the light and we are challenged by life: accidents, surgery, trauma, post traumatic syndrome, abuse, loss of a loved one, disappointments, rejection and even just to be back here on Earth. During soul retrieval, the Therapist journeys on behalf of the client to find lost soul parts and bring them “home” again. Part of becoming whole again is to call back all defragmented soul parts. Bringing back parts of ourselves which are split off, can have many powerful beneficial affects on one’s health on an emotional, mental, psychological and physical level. It is believed that whenever we suffer an emotional or physical trauma a piece of our soul flees the body in order to survive the experience. Our soul’s essence and life force will reintegrate again with the rest of the body once we become aware of where we are fragmented, out of sink with the Universe and we lack authentic power.
Both soul loss and power loss can drain us from our energy. This leaves us vulnerable to other energetics to come into our bodies. Just as if our immune system is strong it can fight off viruses and bacteria, but if it is weak we are susceptible to them getting infecting us, so too if our soul and power is weak we are susceptible to taking things on that are not helpful. Often these are things like hurts, rejections or criticisms from other people, or other peoples negative thoughts and beliefs. In shamanism these are known as intrusions, and the process of removing them is known as extraction.
Shamanic Soul Retrieval healing involves removing intrusions, energy blockages and retrieving power and/or missing soul parts when it is appropriate. These sessions are hugely beneficial to children who have been suffering from spiritual warfare, nightmares over long period of times, lacking in self worth or confidence, expose to shock and or traumas, imbalances in one's masculine and feminine principles, being bullied, sexual imbalances and rape and sexual abuse and feeling ungrounded in one's body.
Soul Retrieval Single Session - $
Soul Loss Package - $