Do you know there is a greater purpose to your life?
Do you feel that you are not living your potential?
Do you want to know more about who you are as a spiritual being?
Do you have the need to re-connect with God and understand true spirituality?
Do you long to make those important changes, if only you knew how?
Do you feel shut off from yourself, God, abundance and from the light?
Instead of focusing on external factors of your life, spiritual coaching focuses on the inner workings of your mind, body, and soul. These sessions will help and teach you that spirituality is often one of the best tools you can use to overcome life's troubles. These sessions will also show you how to break free of a lifetime's worth of limitations and help you find joy and true peace. Learn how to live from consciousness and begin to live a full and aware life. Through these sessions you will become clearer on how to improve certain areas of your life and determine your spiritual path.
Tracking Self.
Knowing Self.
Sacred Union of Opposites.
Ancient Spiritual Technology.
The Biology of the Luminous Body.
Mastering the Shadow Self.
Remember who you are.
Life purpose - awakening.
Emotional Blockages.
Answers to the questions Who am I?
What is my purpose in life?
Where am I going?
Why are you here on earth?
Soul Purpose.
Writing a New Map.
Soul guidance & protection.
Divine Intelligence.
Self sabotaging beliefs.
Clearing Fears.
Understanding Human Shadow.
Co-Creation with the Divine.
Self - awareness as the only tool.
Conscious Evolution.
Soul Rewards & Abundance.
Setting clear intentions daily.
Congruency of body mind and soul.
Raising your vibratory frequency.
Awakening - The journey ahead.
Abundance Consciousness.
Spiritual Coaching techniques will be given and practice as part of these sessions. 1-1 Process work also included in these sessions.