Experience a holistic system of energetic healing that channels divine light and consciousness – to heal the body, transform emotional patterns, and awaken us to True Self. This is the Merlin Lineage.
VortexHealing® is a divinely channeled healing system and energy healing modality, channeled through the Avatar Called Mehindra who lived in India over 5000 years ago. This avatar has come to the planet to embody magical transformation, the purpose of this Avatar was to leave behind a healing Modality called Vortex Healing to help humans to wake up from the Veils and conditioned consciousness and to experience Oneness with Divinity. During these sessions, the Avatar Mehindra/Merlin will guide Joshua to tract and clear energy blockages in the various energy systems. Various Shamanic Healing Techniques are also incorporated into these sessions.
Carl Jung Wrote, 'I began with nothingness. Nothingness is the same as fullness. In infinity full is no better than empty. Nothingness is both empty and full.'This nothingness or fullness we name the PLEROMA. Therein both thinking and being cease, since the eternal and infinite possess no qualities. In it no being is, for he then would be distinct from the pleroma, and would possess qualities which would distinguish him as something distinct from the pleroma.
There is a reality behind the fabrication of the perceived universe. The reality that is presented to us by our senses is a false one. Our true nature, our” Spirit”, is trapped within what William Blake called the “Mind Forged Manacles” and modern Gnostic science fiction writer Philip K Dick termed the “Black Iron Prison.”
The word “Pleroma” means “fullness.” This place is regularly referred to as the light existing outside of our phenomenal world, a place that is the true “ground-state” of reality. These classes will will look at the energy system and clear conditioning/blockages that is preventing us from dropping into Zero Point Field Consciousness and returning to that part that has never left creation, that part that is uncorrupted.
These sessions will work on the various restrictions held in the deeper energy channels of the body that is holding conditioning in place. These conditionings are taking us away from the inner Stillness found in the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra - The Still Point.
Part of these classes will be to do extractions on the Kundalini system, parts of the lower mind and also separation consciousness held on a personal, ancestral and galactic level. Separation Consciousness are held in place out of fear and to limit one's own life force. Zero Point Field Healing will bring deeper connection with self, expression from the heart and coming home to a deeper self of safety in one's own body and also the planet.
Part of these sessions also include the upgrade of the Heart Torus energy field and also one's merkaba, Meridian system and Nadi system and other deeper interfacing energy pathways of the body.
SESSION INFORMATION RIVONIA JOHANNESBURG: 6 WEDNESDAY EVENING CLASSES STARTING FEB 2020. These can also be taken long distance from the comfort of your home and the recordings and notes will then be sent to you the next day.
Mastering The Inner Empath and Sensitive.
Transforming Lack into Abundance and Wealth.
Clearing Ancestral Shame.
Mastering the Abundance MindSet and Working with the 4 Chambers of the heart and integrating the 4 aspects of Lakshmi.
Clearing the Core Issue of Loneliness and awakening your inner voice and message to the world.
Releasing woundings in the various parts of the energy system.
Awakening out of of conditioned webs of reality and identity.
Waking up and beyond the human Ego.
Releasing false identities/historical emotional conditioning.
Releasing separation consciousness in the core of all diseases and where soul loss occurred.
Manage one’s energy system, strengthening it and maintaining it
Bridging the Divine Deeper into the Energy System for healing, intelligence awakening and soul awakening.
Awakening to Divinity Consciousness Beyond mind & ego.
Releasing the separate self, the ‘I’ which creates suffering and separation.
Unhooking from Life’s issues, including karma, karmic knots and karmic consciousness.
Tracking core issues in the system for releasing.
Raising one’s frequency permanently through new energy healing tools.
Understand, master and embracing your shadow self.
VortexHealing® is a registered service mark of R. Weinman & VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission.