Shamanic Despacho Healing

The Despacho Ceremony is a traditonal Sacred Shamanic Ceremony from the high Andes of Peru. This ceremony can be performed individually or as a group. Perfect for honouring and celebrating the new year, birthdays, weddings, memorials, buying or selling property and other major life transitions like spiritual awakenings and spiritual transitions.


Fire Alcanco Healing

This Ancient Ceremony is called an Alcanco form the verb Alcancar which means to REACH - (TO GOD, SOURCE, SPIRIT). This ceremony is very similar to a Puja, offering our prayers, wishes and intentions to the Universe, God and to Mother Earth.  This Fire Ritual combines the eastern Hinduism philosophies and Andean Shamanism, bridging VortexHealing® Techniques to support the actual Fire Puja. An alcanco healing session is a very deep sacred process that brings in support from Source. This is a powerful healing ritual that brings deep transformative healing to one's psychic and life.  Fire focuses and activates higher intentions, cleansed the energy field, and is the prime transformer used for millennia by indigenous people to shift the form of matter.


Weaving The Bands Of Power

This is one of the most beautiful concepts and instruments of the Andean Tradition. A protective mesh of energy is woven around the torso of the body using special khuyas. There is a designated khuya for each part of the body and the set of five khuyas (chumpi khuyas) are very special power stones. In the Andean Tradition there are bands of energy called chumpis or belts of power, and within these belts there are areas of intense energy that are called ñawis (eyes).